Is it possible to prevent jet lag?

Is it possible to prevent jet lag?

Traveling across time zones during the holidays can be a hard and exhausting journey. Sleep deprivation, loss of appetite and clouded thinking can put a damper on the exciting festivities awaiting you.

Jet lag is a temporary disorder that occurs when our circadian rhythm – an internal clock that regulates our sleep cycle – is disrupted. It is generally harder to adjust when traveling west to east because your day is shortened.

However, relief isn’t out of reach.

A study conducted at Brown University suggests that it is possible to minimize symptoms by manipulating your sleep schedule.

In the study, 26 participants gradually advanced their sleep schedules one to two hours a day while adding intermittent exposure to morning bright light. Results showed that pairing gradually advancing sleep schedules with controlled light exposure can significantly reduce jet lag without interfering with sleep.

Before hopping on your next flight, take into consideration the number of hours or time zones you will be traveling and adjust your bedtime accordingly. Planning ahead will help ease your recovery!