Controlled Medication Policy

At FusionSleep, the health and well-being of our patients is paramount. In our commitment to providing safe and effective healthcare, we have implemented a Controlled Medication Policy to ensure the responsible use and management of controlled substances. This policy outlines important guidelines and procedures that pertain to patients prescribed controlled medications. Your adherence to these guidelines is not only essential for your health but also for maintaining the integrity of our medical practice. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the details outlined in this policy, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further clarification. Your well-being is our priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a safe and effective healthcare environment.

  1. Patients prescribed controlled medications are required to attend an in-person clinic visit at least once a year. Additional clinical visits, whether virtual or in-person, will be determined by your provider based on your clinical needs.

  2. Patients are advised to allow a minimum of 2 business days for medication refills.

  3. For patients starting a controlled medication for the first time, an in-person visit within 6 months of initiation is mandatory.

  4. Patients receiving a controlled medication through FusionSleep commit to not seeking the same prescription from another provider outside of FusionSleep. Furthermore, FusionSleep providers reserve the right to refrain from prescribing controlled medications already prescribed by an outside provider.

  5. FusionSleep providers do not electronically prescribe or call-in medications to pharmacies across state lines. All medication prescriptions should be filled in the state of Georgia.

  6. Please be aware that this controlled medication policy is subject to change based on clinic policies, DEA rules, and state/federal regulations adjustments.