Going to Bed with Anxiety


Going to Bed with Anxiety

Stressed out? If you’re bed-ridden with anxiety, maybe your bed isn’t the best place for you to be. Believe it or not, those with anxiety-driven insomnia often find themselves sleeping better in places other than their own beds. It’s just one of the practices that can be used to help those with psychophysiological insomnia sleep at night.

Suffering from psychophysiological insomnia consists of a damaging cycle in which the individual begins to worry about not being able to fall asleep, and as a result, ends up hindering their ability to fall asleep. A pattern is then created, leaving the individual to associate his or her bed with the inability to fall asleep, which is why those with psychophysiological sleep better in places other than their beds. While psychophysiological insomnia is common, it can be difficult to treat. Thankfully, there are several methods that can be employed to help treat it.

Under regular circumstances, eliminating TVs, computers and smartphones from the bedroom can help you fall asleep. However, for those having trouble falling asleep due to anxiety, a bit of a distraction in the bedroom can help shift the concentration elsewhere, relaxing the mind and body from troublesome worries. Leaving the TV on and setting it to turn off after half an hour can make a significant difference if you believe you are suffering from insomnia. Listening to a podcast or calming music can also be effective.

If you believe that you may be suffering from insomnia, please get in touch with our FusionSleep team. Our board-certified sleep specialists will be happy to help you find a sleep solution to fit your needs. To set up a consultation, please call (678) 990-3962 today.

Cheryl Ball