How Trauma Can Affect Your Quality of Sleep

How Trauma Can Affect Your Quality of Sleep

The statistics for how many Americans suffer from trauma each year are astounding. According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, about 60 percent of men and 50 percent of women experience at least one traumatic event in their lives. These events can include everything from sexual assault and child abuse to natural disaster to combat. Suffering from trauma or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your sleep.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur following a traumatic event. Many veterans of war or those who have witnessed horrifying events experience PTSD. While asleep, those suffering from PTSD may have terrible nightmares that wake them up and make it difficult to fall back asleep.

Having PTSD can cause the body to be overstimulated with neurochemicals, such as epinephrine and adrenaline, which makes relaxing and falling asleep difficult to do. There are several methods to help reduce the amount of stress individuals with PTSD experience, including soaking in a warm bath and avoiding caffeinated drinks.

For more sleeps tips related to PTSD, visit the National Sleep Foundation website.

If you or a family member struggling with sleep, don’t hesitate to give the FusionSleep office a call at (678) 990-3962. Our team of board-certified sleep specialists will be more than happy to help you find a solution to fit your needs.