Inspire® Therapy

Inspire® Therapy is a therapy option for patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea and who are unable to tolerate PAP therapy. Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation Sleep Apnea (UAS) is the only FDA-approved implantable treatment for people with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

How Inspire® Therapy Works - Upper Airway Stimulation

Inspire® is a device implanted inside the body that works with a patient’s natural breathing process. Based on your unique breathing patterns, the system delivers mild stimulation to key airway muscles, keeping the airway open during sleep.

Inspire® is implanted during a short, outpatient procedure. Most patients return home the same day and can resume non-strenuous activities within a few days or as directed by their doctor.

The Inspire® system consists of a breathing sensor lead and a stimulation lead, powered by a small battery. The therapy is controlled by a small handheld sleep remote which allows the patient to turn the device on before bed and off when they wake up, increase and decrease stimulation strength, and pause during the night if needed.

You might be a good candidate for Inspire® if…

  • You have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea

  • You are unable to use or get consistent benefit from PAP therapy

  • You are not significantly obese

  • You are age 18 or above

Clinical Studies

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Patient Testimonials

To learn more about Inspire® or to schedule a consult call FusionSleep at 678.721.8043

Lisa Driscoll