Posts in Children/Teens
Snoring and Sleep Apnea: The Hidden Dangers for Children

The majority of parents know that a sleepy baby is a cranky baby; however, new studies have revealed just how crucial sleep is to proper brain development in infants and toddlers. ABC’s Diane Sawyer recently investigated the connection between snoring and behavioral problems in children.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children: How Serious is it?

As sleep disorders go, the presence of obstructive sleep apnea is usually obvious to a suffering bed-partner, as it results in loud snoring sounds that range from rhythmic to sudden outbursts. In either case, the snorer’s sleep quality is compromised, resulting in daytime sleepiness, depressed mood, crankiness, and other symptoms typically associated with poor sleep.

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Infant Sleep Disorders can Range from the Expected to the Serious

Most new parents know how it feels to be awake at odd hours with a crying infant. But when are such episodes the result of more than just the nuances of childhood? Due to the perception that it’s natural for infants to be “up and down” at all hours, some parents don’t seek help for what could be more than their child’s mercurial disposition: infant sleep disorders. In many cases, infants that don’t receive proper sleep can be readjusted to a healthier sleep pattern by a change in their daily routine, such as not napping late in the afternoon and not eating full meals before bedtime.

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