Battling Insomnia


Battling Insomnia

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, as many as 30 to 35 percent of adults complain of insomnia, or difficulty falling or staying asleep regularly. In addition, six to 10 percent of adults experience symptoms of insomnia frequently, enough for it to be considered a sleep disorder. Symptoms of insomnia can be found more frequently in individuals who are under stress or are experiencing anxiety or depression. Battling insomnia is a difficult ordeal for many individuals, as it can occur as two different types based on the symptoms’ length of duration:

Acute insomnia (also referred to as transient or short-term insomnia)

If symptoms of insomnia last for only a few days or weeks, the condition is called acute insomnia. The cause for acute insomnia is usually apparent to those experiencing it. For instance, the loss of a loved one, travel across time zones, anxiety over an upcoming presentation and other similar stressful situations can disrupt a person’s regular quality of sleep for a short time.

Chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia consists of an ongoing, frequent occurrence of disturbed sleep. Individuals with chronic insomnia often report difficulty falling and staying asleep and feel anxiety about going to bed. As a result, they condition themselves to connect their beds with difficulty to fall asleep, creating a negative, recurring cycle that prevents them from being able to get a good night’s rest.

If you are experiencing symptoms of insomnia and noticing a decline in your focus at work and quality of life, let the team at FusionSleep help you find a sleep solution. Please call (678) 990-3962 today to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified sleep specialists. 

Cheryl Ball